Saturday, May 24, 2014

5/24/14 - **NEW World ** -Village of Phil

For Background/History see our initial world information for our characters:


After much of the fallout of the Cold War and many billions of deaths due to Rad Pox; Dr. Leah*, a farm veterinarian, and Leo*, a retired Canadian boarder patrol official, are stuck with retired sheriff Bruce Collins and his wife who have a farm in Missoula, Montana. Bruce asked them to see if they could get any gas from the gas station so they wander out. After siphoning out a few gallons, they stumble upon a traveling accordion player, Samuel* who has lost his girlfriend/partner/mandolin player for his duo.

They agree to help Samuel find his partner, Ashley. They go to the Missoula HS fighting badgers stadium where there is enclave setup to prepare and protect the town. Many of them are preparing to move south for the difficult winter ahead. Samuel was unable to find Ashley and they talk to Anton who used to pick on Samuel and call him 'Squeezy'.

On the way back they are shot at while riding back. Leah calms the horse and takes it and all the gas back to the farm while Samuel and Leo fight off the men who want the horse. With only an acordian and two bullets they manage to take down the men, and get their hunting rifle and escape.

They eat dinner and talk and Bruce announces they will be going south with the rest of the group. Leah helps Bruce's wife pack and learns about the death of their two sons also with their sheriff's department. They pack and after a weak head for the enclave in the stadium.

However, when they get there, it has been destroyed. Bodies lay mangled, killed and destroyed including many men, women and children. One man trapped slowly dying under a carriage tells them that the men were after gas as he passes on. They find Anton stuffed in a locker.

They get back on horse for 4 days slowly traveling to conserve fuel. The Collins' have an F150 and a couple of horses they they all travel with. However, Mrs. Collins miscalculated their food needs and they have to begin hunting. Leo catches a deer that they eat.

In the night, a man, Simon, comes to invite them to the village that has lots of food and resources and gives them the message of Phil, 'The Welled Prophet'. They travel into the town with hopes of finding Ashley, Samuel's partner. They find Simon and realize that he has really bad boils that appear to be from radiation poisoning but the sensor detect none on him. Leah follows him to the septic tank.

There is a hole which Simon follows where a voice comes out of, a man, "Phil" talks to them about what he does and what is going on. Leah attempts to look in the hole after Leo knocks out Simon. When Phil begins yelling, Samuel starts playing and tries to convince the crowds that he is the new prophet. They fight their way through the crowds who aren't convinced and escape, making their way away from there with the Collins'.

*Denotes playable characters.

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